Sunday, September 29, 2013

Getting Bird food

For those of you who know me well, you know the best way to make me smile is to bring me around animals. Even a trip to pick up animal food was an exciting  adventure.

These are Rainbow Lorikeets yes they are for Sale, NO I didn't buy one, but I came pretty darn closed. They are very smart and needless to say Gorgeous.
These chickens were wondering around the pet store and that fluffy white one almost came home LOL He has a big poof on his head and I fell in love.
Once we left there it was back to the studio to work on several things I have going on. One of them is perfume bottles made from beads. I had a great deal of help as you can see.....
Kiki helping me remove a top from a small bottle.
Helping to chose just the right bead.
Holding the glue stick. Oh yes, she was a wonderful helper when she wasn't trying to rip off my ear or attacking my fingernails (she hates them).
This next picture is for my Grandson. I finally found someone who loves Lego's as much as you do David. When Rainer can't be found, chances are he is off somewhere programing a new Lego Monster. This lovely..Scorpion  tracks down a little bug (also made of Lego's) and attacks him with red bullets

. Of course the minute he finishes one he takes it all apart and makes another so stay tuned for the next creation.
Next adventure is a party at the Women's Center celebrating their 30th anniversary.

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